Media Library

MISSION STATEMENT:  The purpose of the Media Library is to provide books, media and resources that inform, entertain, and inspire the staff and membership.  It functions as a support ministry of the church to enhance Bible study, discipleship, education, evangelism, family relations, fellowship, ministry, mission education, personal development, recreation and worship.

The Media Library is funded through church budget and donations.

Honorariums and memorials are encouraged and the staff will work to determine specifics of the item to fith the person and need of the library.  The money will be placed in a designated fund and used accordingly.

Used books are gratefully accepted as long as no restrictions are placed upon the items and they comply with the Media Library selection policy.  Books that are not needed will be returned or donated.




Sunday Morning - 9:00-9:30 am
Sunday Evening - 5:00-6:00 pm
Tuesday Afternoon - 2:00-4:00 pm
Wednesday Afternoon - 3:00-6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening - 7:00-7:30 pm

The Media Library is a volunteer staff, so there will be times stated above that we may not be open, particularly on Tuesday and Wednesday aftenoons.  If there is a need for the library to be open, please contact one of the Media Library staff.

You can access our Card Catalog by selecting the link below.  This will tell you if the book is stocked in the library.  It is not able to determine if the book has been checked out, nor can you reserve the book on-line.

Card Catalog





The Media Library is excited to announce the additon of Right Now Media to our list of resources.  Rightnow is a customizable video library that any member of the church can get access to.  With over 10,000+ Bible Study videos, kids videos and other resources you are sure to find something that helps you.  To get a membership please fill out the following form.

RightNow Invitation.